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A Unique Tiefling Variant For Dungeons And Dragons 5e

Tiefling Subrace - Bloodline of Zariel

A Unique Tiefling Variant for Dungeons and Dragons 5e


In the realm of Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition (5e), the Tiefling race is often associated with stares and whispers due to their infernal ancestry. However, the Bloodline of Zariel subrace stands apart, offering a unique combination of abilities that make them a formidable choice.

Physical and Ability Enhancements:

Unlike other Tiefling subraces that prioritize Charisma, the Bloodline of Zariel gains a bonus to Strength, making them more physically adept. This bonus, coupled with the race's innate darkvision and resistance to fire damage, enhances their combat capabilities.

Hellish Spells:

The Bloodline of Zariel grants access to powerful spells that harness infernal energy. At 3rd level, they can cast Hellish Rebuke as a 2nd-level spell, dealing damage to a creature that attacks or casts a spell on them.


The Tiefling subrace - Bloodline of Zariel brings a distinctive blend of physical prowess and infernal magic to the world of 5e. With their Strength bonus and access to Hellish spells, they become formidable companions or formidable opponents in any D&D campaign.
